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white wine weekend

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SOTU drinking game, 2008 - 2008-01-27
little light - 2007-12-19
hamburger phone - 2007-12-18
why 'grease' is a perfect LA movie - 2007-12-17
recipe: barley treasure - 2007-10-12

2004-04-26 - 1:23 p.m.

the weekend was filled with leisurely phone calls, dramatically staged deaths, and lots and lots of white wine. now the rain is coursing down the dirty streets, making everything squeaky clean. my cat is sitting in the crate i put my newspapers in, which is propping open the front door. he is watching the rain.

friday night, a came over and we watched 'pirates of the carribean' and demolished a couple of bottles of french wine. i sauteed thinly sliced garlic in a quarter stick of butter and poured it over freshly popped popcorn. it was better than going to the cinema, and i was in bed by midnight. saturday a and i met e to see 'kill bill vol 2' in the city. i actually enjoyed it much more than the first chapter. a and i repaired to park bar off union square for some post-movie drinks which turned into four glasses of sancerre. by the fourth glass, she made a tantalising confession to me.

i was still loaded for bear when i got back to my own neighborhood, so i grabbed a falafel and invited b to meet me at spike hill. unfortunately, once she collected me i realised i was already quite drunk. b had a good sense of humor about it and tolerated me amicably. we downed several more glasses of white while two boys picked us up. i wasn't particulary attracted to either one, but b had them both eating out of the palm of her pretty hand. despite my stupor, i think i remember her leaving with one of them. the boy left behind was visibly crestfallen to be left with your diarist. i laughed it off and stumbled home alone.

despite a spectacular hangover, i managed to peel myself out of bed in order to meet m for brunch. he is remarkably pleasant company. he had tickets to 'the normal heart' at the public and i have not been to a play since i came to new york five years ago. the play was a bit stiff and preachy, but also very emotionally intense.

upon landing back in brooklyn, i ran into L and d, who convinced me that an early supper at matamoros would be just the thing for my hangover. over chicken burritos, d showed off her tremendous hickey and told us about her new lover. spring has truly sprung.

c messaged me on friday and planned a date with me for the coming wednesday. i am so excited to see him i can hardly stand it. maybe we will go for oysters.