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SOTU drinking game, 2008 - 2008-01-27
little light - 2007-12-19
hamburger phone - 2007-12-18
why 'grease' is a perfect LA movie - 2007-12-17
recipe: barley treasure - 2007-10-12

2003-02-18 - 2:06 p.m.

finally the snow has ended. i think there's like two feet on the ground. its complicated to get around, there are knee-deep drifts of snow everywhere and there are ice barriers blocking the sidewalks caused by snowplows. the streets are slushy and icy since they've been constantly salted since yesterday morning. in some places, i was forced off the sidewalk and onto the street due to massive impromptu snow sculptures.

its remarkably quiet out today, despite the roar of salt trucks and snowdozers. every park and playground is like a winter wonderland. lots of people still have the day off and bedford ave still has the feel of a college campus just before xmas break.

lost my thermos yesterday when i fell in the snow. i went back to grand ferry to try and look for it today this afternoon, but snowplows had covered the area with a huge pile of dirty snow. that's the second one i've lost this week: i broke my travel mug by dropping it in the middle of metropolitan on thursday. so i am on my third one now, a shiny brushed-metal hybrid of the last two tea-and-coffee holders. so far its working out just fine. i've filled it with darjeeling and soy milk, my new favorite drink since moving in with F.

i have a really primal and compulsive thing about drinking vessels. during the week, i carry around one of three 32oz nalgene bottles. i would not dream of lending them out. i left my favorite pink one in a super shuttle in california and i called and called the shuttle company until they found it and sent it back to me. there's something comforting about having the same cup or bottle to drink out of. the consistency is reassuring somehow. maybe i have a deep seated fear that someone is trying to contaminate my precious bodily fliuds?

in any case, bringing my own mug to the coffee shop pays for itself since they knock 35� off the price each time i come in. and drinking at least 32oz of water per day keeps my skin clear and my brain functioning. i could go on and on about the virtues of being properly hydrated.